MYG-RSO compair with Sumatron-RSO-setion I Position:Home - MYG-RSO compair with Sumatron-RSO-setion I
MYG-RSO compair with Sumatron-RSO-setion I
Date:15-04-20 Hits:
Recently many clients ask MYG - ROS What is the difference between the Sumatron RSOafter consulting the expert, unified do explains here:
1. MYG - RSO and Sumatron RSO both RSO products,  our company both have agency.But we recommend that customers use MYG - RSO.
2. MYG - RSO technology is originated in Britain, is the originality of CEGB technology, equipment is the production in UK.
3. Sumatron RSO is production in the United States.
Detailed technical comparison is as follows:

1.Bothmethods are in general use and both can detect shorted turns and earth faults.However, if the pulse is short, it can be severely attenuated by some rotorwindings, particularly those on older generators and salient pole hydro-generators.

2. The MYG-RSO method we use (long pulse) is based on original research at the UKCentral Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) in 1973 and has been usedsuccessfully in the UK and most other countries throughout the world for thelast 40 years.

3. However, if a customer has a history of test test results obtained using theshort pulse method, they will probably prefer to keep using this method so thatthey can compare results for generators over an extended time period.

4. The main advantage of our equipment is that the RSO pulses at each end of therotor windings can be viewed simultaneously in real-time and that it isimpossible for a user to obtain different RSO traces for a fault-free rotorwinding by incorrect adjustment of the controls.

5. Both of these points are important, as they allow the MYG-RSO equipment to beused by relatively unskilled staff and allow  faults to be seen a soon asthey occur (for example during a repair or running test) instead of having towait to compare 2 separate traces on an oscilloscope.

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