BENDER is applied in Germany is not grounded system (IT) system insulation monitoring products and applied to the grounding system (TN - S system) of the residual current monitoring products:
Without grounding system of charged conductor and there is no direct connection between, namely to to completely empty Insulation monitors the connection between the system and to continuously measure the insulation of the relative resistance RF When the system of the insulation resistance to the response of the preset value, the insulation monitor output alarm signal

In the grounding system (TN - S system) , according to the size of the insulation failure RF value system to exist IF leakage current _IF < Ik fuse or open not action • system load error action of danger • numerical show no leakage current _IF > Ik fuse or open actions • system
power outage
caused economic losses

In ungrounded system (IT system)
caused by insulation failure RF to floor drain current IF only through a system of leak capacitor circuit
_ fuse or open not action _ system single point to ground fault occurs, the interruption of electricity supply system
_ system or load loop not breaking
_ insulation monitoring equipment showed resistance decline or output alarm signal

In the grounding system (TN - S system)
§ fault current through the human body, get an electric shock accidents
§ fault current value depends on the load of grounding resistance and impedance of the body

§ in ungrounded system (IT system)
§ weak leakage, depending on the system of leakage of capacitance § body greatly reduce the risk of electric shock
§ load grounding resistance tolerance of the size of the effect on the human body electric shock current

In the grounding system (TN - S system) IF fault current IF Ia or less
_ fuse or open not action
_ fault current of power into heat
_ when the fault current power reaches P P 60 W = 260 ma / 230 v, the immediate cause fire hazard
In ungrounded system (IT system) weak fault current depends on the system of leakage of capacitance
fault current numerical reduction (mA) or (including grade A and reduce the fire hazard
increased the protection of personal and equipment

UB = RA x Id
RA = 接地电阻值
Id = 故障电流值
UB = 接触电压 ≤ 50V
CENELEC HD 384.4.4.1
DIN VDE 0100-410标准
The insulation of the grounding system monitors (IMD)
§ continuous uninterrupted monitoring and measurement is not grounded system (IT system) between phase line to line (PE) and insulation resistance
§ when the system insulation resistance drop to the ground below TVC, insulation monitor output alarm signal
§ insulation monitors must conform to the IEC61557-8 and EN61557-8 standard
§ when insulation monitors display alarm, start the insulation fault location system, the online search to ground fault circuit
§ have fixed and portable two kinds of equipment installation
§ IEC61557-9 and EN61557-9 standard